VoIP/RoIP Nodes
AllStarLink Nodes:
Node: 60734
Node: 49562
DMR Brandmeister and TGIF:
Brandmeister Talkgroup: 31686
TGIF Talkgroup: 31686
Yaesu System Fusion:
YSF Reflector: 31686 (US-MARS)
Node: 223226 or KE0FOE-L
Node: 657006 or N5XQK-R
Telephone Portal
Accessing the Skywarn Youth Net via telephone is easy using your AllStarLink account. While there are no official AllStarLink smartphone/tablet apps available as is the case with EchoLink, AllStarLink does have a really handy feature that will allow you to access most AllStarLink nodes including our 60734 node via telephone. Within the “Account Settings” of your AllStarLink account is your PIN. This PIN is needed to use the AllStarLink telephone portal.
To access the Skywarn Youth Net via the AllStarLink telephone portal in DTMF PTT mode:
1) Dial: 1-763-230-0000
2) Enter: 60734 #
3) Enter: 1
4) Enter: your PIN (in your AllStarLink account under “Account Settings”)
5) Enter: 2
6) Sytem should answer and say: “Node 60734”.
7) To transmit via your phone, press: * 9 9
8) To unkey, press: #
9) Just hang up when you’re done
You can automate this dialing sequence using commas as “pauses” within the telephone digits section of your phone’s contact for the AllStarLink Telephone Portal.
Here’s an example that has worked for several folks:
(updated: February 18, 2025)